Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Still deciding...

So I have just stumbled upon my blog that I started in 2006, back when Yahoo 360 was hot. I was a regular blogger on there. I believe I also had a blog on something called...the name escapes me, I'll remember later (and I really should, I have lots of pictures posted there ..smh). Anyway, I'm trying to decide if I want to blog again. For some reason, people found my writing worthy of stopping by regularly. Funny how that works...

Blogging is like a part-time job, after a while, people expect you to be there regularly, even if not full-time. However, I have self-proclaimed commitment issues, maybe this will help me work on them ;). It's not a serious issue [all crazy people say that, seriously], I love doing stuff, I will actually even do it, I just don't like to 'say' I'm going to do it. What's up with that? Well at any rate, I will give this some thought. Maybe I'll even get a following of random strangers again like on 360. Met some very interesting and nice people there...

Where are they all now?